Employee benefits are indirect and monetary benefits paid to employees. These benefits are given to employees in addition to salaries and wages. These are also known as benefits provided to attract and retain employees.
Employees love benefits. They want gratitude and recognition for their efforts. Many employees apply for an organization according to the benefits offered by the company.
Work satisfaction is directly related to employee satisfaction. Ignoring employee satisfaction ultimately reduces engagement. The result is a lack of motivation, efficiency, and ultimately productivity.
Insurance is one of the benefits every employee deserves regardless of the size of the business or organization. This not only provides employees with protection but also gives them a sense of belonging and commitment to the growth of the organization.
With Coronation Group Life Insurance you get to provide guaranteed and flexible cover for your employees without breaking their pocket or yours.
Take up a plan today and protect your business and employees!
For more enquiries, contact 2341-2774500 or email contactcentre@coronationinsurance.com.ng